E-Documents & Archiving

E-Documents & Archiving

Within the ambit our Flagship ERP we offer selective modules for our clients to opt from. One such module is integrated E-Documents (E-Docs) archiving directly linked and associated to member and property data. The E-Docs management process ensures protection, maintenance and accessibility and begin from the moment of creating the document and retaining endlessly in archives.

End users can scan and upload the documents which are then resultantly associated and linked to some hierarchy like member, plot, bill etc.

Transfers & Records data is also linkable and is usually offered to clients in a bundle. However, E-Docs are required for all kind of activity whether, PMS, BMS, CMS of other ERP modules.

Documents remain searchable as per entity, asset tag, owner tag or by content etc. Thus saving clerical workloads and time consuming efforts on linking and searching hard copies and files.
